Tree Removal Melbourne Highest Standards of Excellence and Quality

Treelife ensures the highest standards of excellence and quality in Tree Removal services in Melbourne. Trust us for expert, safe, and responsible tree removal solutions.

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about us

A High Level of Service

Treelife Tree Removal and Tree Care Service was first established in Melbourne by Troy Porter in 2004. Our aim is to provide great friendly service, a high standard of work and highly competitive prices.
What we do

What Treelife Offers

Tree Cutting Services

Treelife specializes in offering professional tree cutting services to make the task of tree maintenance

Tree Surgeon

Treelife specializes in offering a wide range of tree services in Melbourne to ensure that

Tree Trimming

If you are looking for a tree trimming service, Treelife is one of the finest

Tree Lopping

Treelife specializes in offering professional tree lopping in Melbourne eastern suburbs. With our wide experience,


What Treelife Offers

The cost varies and depends on many things such as the size of the tree and where the tree is located for example, is it in the backyard and needs to be physically moved out to the front so the tree can be removed. 

Is the wood and debris remaining or been removed

Does the tree have sensitive objects located around it such as formal gardening, pavers, plumbing pipes, electrical wires. Ext

The best way to know is to ask our team to give you a quote

Yes many times a high risk tree can be reduced in risk by doing crown/weight reduction and removing any suspect or damaged branches including dead wood. 

This often helps with minimising the sail area reducing the risk of large branch or whole tree failure.

Do I need a permit to remove or prune a tree.

This question varies depending on the municipal (council) regulations and or whether you are in a vegetation protection overlay.

The most accurate way to get this information is to call the Council.

You can also check on the website although
This can be sometimes hard to navigate.

And we can also help guide you in this question

This can be done only if the pruning that is to achieved this, is not going too heavily affect the health and structure of the tree being pruned. also your locale Council may require a permit

Our team can help guide you in this decision.

Please note that it is always a good idea to inform your neighbour of your intentions of pruning their trees before the works commence as sometimes the neighbours can get upset when the pruning is in progress, if they weren’t informed.

Get an obligation free quote today

work process

We Complete Every
Step Carefully


Expert evaluation of tree condition and site to plan safe removal.

Secure surroundings, equipment setup, and safety measures implementation.


Secure surroundings, equipment setup, and safety measures implementation.


Thorough debris removal, leaving your space tidy and safe after tree removal.


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Client Testimonials

What our clients say

Treelife is a full Qualified Melbourne Arborist. We have a passion for what we do. Our aim is to see a satisfied customer when a job is completed. Friendly service, clear communication and competitive prices are the cornerstones of our business. Don’t just take our word for it, see what our customers have to say!
Genuine Five Star Reviews
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